Make MORE, Work Less & SAVE Time As A Business Owner

Learn To Work ON The Business, Not In It & Have More Time Freedom.

I'm Chris, Founder of the FREEDOM Business System™

Time & Financial FREEDOM As A Business Owner Is Possible!

Stop being the bottleneck to your own growth. I help business owners save hundreds of hours each year without hiring expensive employees by embracing new systems, time-saving automations & streamlined delegation tools. Create your ideal lifestyle as a business owner!


Want to redesign your business to have your desired financial freedom? Embrace the right systems and stay in your sweet spot to ensure your financial independence and more.


Free up time to work ON your business, not just IN it. Time is a precious commodity. Ever feel like there aren't enough hours in the day to do it all - and you're the bottleneck?


What good is a full bank account and success if you come home to bankrupt relationships? Take ownership of your business to invest in what matters most - your loved ones.

Time freedom is true wealth - I'll help get you there.

Work ON the business, not just in it.

As Seen In

Chris Niemeyer who is

Your success is my goal.

I help you design a business you want around the lifestyle you desire.

A Little About Me - And Maybe YOU

I'm Chris Niemeyer, an entrepreneur, investor, and certified coach to fellow business owners.

If I’m not traveling with my family or running my businesses remotely, I help fellow entrepreneurs work ON their business instead of IN it. I help others learn to work smarter, not harder - it's a passion.

It wasn't always this way. My first job was in the business world of politics. President of a large PAC, I burned the candle at both ends (60+ hour work weeks!) - and nearly burnt out. The money was good, my lifestyle wasn't.

Jumping out of that world with both feet, I started my entrepreneurial journey and built my first multi-million dollar sales business. Then I became a dad! I wanted more time freedom. Waking up to my house on fire in the middle of the night was the wake up call I needed (ask me about that story!)

I re-imagined my life and re-focused my business. I wanted to create a lifestyle I desired. I leaned into hiring, delegating, systematizing and scaling myself out of a job. You can too!

In 2015, I became a certified business coach and graduated from Goldman Sachs prestigious Entrepreneurship program so I could serve fellow business owners. My goal is to help them buy back their time to truly live a life of freedom.

I enjoy investing in real estate, crypto & businesses plus helping other business owners create lifestyle freedom.

"Chris is a man of utmost integrity. He lives out 100% what he teaches. What I admire

most about Chris is his ability to connect with people and help them find their vision

and separate out the components that hold them back from success."

Ken Carfagno

Owner, SMART Cleaning Biz

"Chris has coached me over the past 8 month. The breakthroughs in my mindset ar

light-bulb moments have been really helpful for me. I've worked with a number of

paid coaches and Chris is by far the best I've had."

Jordan Peterson

Director, The Ritz-Carlton

"Chris' business leadership acumen and knowledge of business is second to none. He

is also a visionary entrepreneur. Chris has a unique skill for taking care of customers

at every stage of the customer lifestyle, from A-Z. Chris is likable, trustworthy and he

really knows his stuff!"

Matt Dalbey

CEO, Generation Web

FREEDOM Business System™

Exclusive to business owners and online entrepreneurs. In this private, 1-on-1 coaching relationship we walk through my FREEDOM Business System™ for 6 months together. It's time to work ON your business, not just in it.

Make more, work less. Realign your goals, schedule, systems and more to build the business owner lifestyle you desire. Create time to invest in yourself, your family, travel & more.

freedom business system
chris niemeyer real estate investor

Real Estate Investor - and Coach

Aside from entrepreneurship, I love real estate investing. I've been an investor for many years and am excited to share my journey and tips with others. I also coach people on their real estate investing journey.

I believe that generational wealth is like a 3-legged stool consisting of your business profits (or job), real estate and financial investments. Understand why you need all 3 because multiple streams of income is key to lasting financial success.


Ready to get out of your own way? Desire more time and financial freedom to do more of what you love?

FREE Business Owner's Guide to Time Freedom.

Top Areas and Best Practices to Automate, Delegate + SOP Templates.

SAVE HUNDREDS of hours a year.

Earn true wealth - time freedom!