Book A Call With Chris Niemeyer

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Hey, I'm Chris, let's connect. 

I'm an entrepreneur, investor & business coach to business owners.

I help business owners design a business lifestyle they love by working smarter, not harder.
As a business coach and advisor, my FREEDOM Business System™ helps you stay in your sweet spot
so you work less and make more. I'm a family man to the core and am likely with my wife and 4 young kids at a beach in Florida or coaching their sports activities.

At, I serve small business owners through coaching, courses & business consulting. The goal: more financial & time freedom with loved ones, travel more and work in their sweet spot. Ever feel like you're the bottleneck to your own growth? Like you want more time to work ON the business and not just IN it? I have a number of coaching, courses and consulting packages available to unlock your potential.

I love to travel, have been to 40+ countries and have another 100 on my bucket list. For some strange reason, my interests start with the letter “f” – faith, family, friends, food, fitness, finance & far-off places. Outside of work, I'm likely at the beach in Florida playing with my 4 young kids, watching their soccer & enjoying family time with my wife, Alicia.

Ways To Work Together

From direct consulting, 1-on-1 coaching, my courses or a combination, there are a few ways we can work together.

I outline these below.