
What is the Purpose of Delegation?

What is the Purpose of Delegation?

October 05, 20233 min read

Delegation is crucial for an organization’s performance and enhancement. It is one of the core components of management leadership. This can be very difficult, as many leaders fail to realize the purpose of delegation and importance of delegating tasks. It is not just the business leaders who are benefited from delegation, but the employees of an organization too.

Ultimately, there are three main purpose of delegation.

1. Smarter time management

A common mistake leaders make is thinking they can always do things better than their subordinates. As soon as you step inside your office, you check your emails, then the phone rings, then an employee steps in to have you confirm and approve a minute detail about a task that you could have easily passed on, before you know it, you’re running behind schedule. And you haven’t even begun your own schedule.

If your employees are so used to having to ask you for every step they make, in every nook and cranny they need to check, it will eat up your time. You are paid to lead, then you should lead. Proper delegation frees up your time so you can concentrate on being a good leader.

Delegation strengthens effectiveness when it allows work to be assigned to people who are experts on the task. You are responsible for strategizing and orchestrating the next steps for your team. When your teammates can perform routine tasks, you can spend more time in planning the next step.

2. Empower employees

Among the most important tasks of an effective industry leader is creating more leaders. This is achievable by watching your subordinates grow. More often than not, the boss becomes the mentor in one way or another. Whenever you teach your employees new tasks as you pass on a deliverable, you allow them to learn and reinforce their skill set as they accomplish the work, thus; you empower them.

There is no better gratification than seeing someone you teach grow and become leaders too. When you are willing to allow others to become experts without being afraid of getting surpassed, you are a true leader. This fosters a workplace where team members have professional keenness in their own advancement and the team’s success.

You do not become a leader unless you have important skills and abilities and you can pass these on to your subordinates. You empower employees when you coach them with new knowledge and delegate tasks and accountability so that they can put these new learning to use. This makes empowering employees a vital purpose of delegation.

3. Positive reinforcement

Remember the first time when your boss assigned you a task that he normally completes himself? How did it make you feel? If it encouraged you to work even better, that is absolutely positive reinforcement. Make your employees feel that you believe in their ability to complete a deliverable and that they play an important role in the organization.

If all the members of a team know that each of them has an important contribution to successfully complete a task at hand, you create a strong sense of teamwork and camaraderie in the workplace.

Delegation should be the primary tool you use to become an efficient and effective business leader. The higher up in leadership, the more focused you should be in the development and growth of the organization.

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