
3 of My Favorite Top Leadership Books

3 of My Favorite Top Leadership Books

October 05, 20233 min read

Have You Read Any of These?

It’s been attributed to Jim Rohn “You are the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with.”  When I first started out in my personal and professional development journey, I read as much as I could get my hands on - especially top leadership books.  I was growing a business and leading a team - I needed help.

James Altucher once said, “Read every book, blog, website, whatever about what you want to be an expert in.”  These authors became my mentors and “friends” early on in my journey.

They spoke to me in ways mere humans could not, they were a constant companion when I was still an isolated entrepreneur.  They were there by my bed stand, in hotel rooms, on planes and while I was at my local coffee shop.

These are some of my recent favorites – so whether you’re looking for a fresh source of inspiration, education, or just plain entertainment, consider checking these out. There are tons of great titles out there, but these have been really meaningful to me when it comes to leadership.


Top Leadership Book #1: Leadershift by John Maxwell

Change is so rapid today that leaders must do much more than stay the course to be successful. If they aren’t nimble and ready to adapt, they won’t survive. The key is to learn how to leadershift.

In Leadershift, John C. Maxwell helps leaders gain the ability and willingness to make leadership changes that will positively enhance their organizational and personal growth.

One of my favorite quotes from this book was, “If you want to be successful as a leader, you need to learn to become comfortable with uncertainty and make shifts continually.”  If you’d like to get it on Amazon, here’s the link.


Top Leadership Book #2: Maximum Achievement by Brian Tracy

Leading authority on success Brian Tracy gives proven principles and step-by-step tips for raising self-esteem and improving your life. In Maximum Achievement, he gives you a powerful, proven system -- based on twenty-five years of research and practice -- that you can apply immediately to get better results in every area of your life.

One of my favorite quotes from this book was, “Your beliefs set you up for either success or failure.”  If you’d like to get it on Amazon, here’s the link.


Top Leadership Book #3: Becoming A Person of Influence by John Maxwell

About the book: America's leadership expert teaches that if your life in any way connects with other people, you are an influencer. Whatever your vocation or aspiration is, you can increase your impact with Maxwell's simple, insightful ways to interact more positively with others. Watch your personal and organizational success go off the charts! 

One of my favorite quotes from this book was, “No one ever achieved alone what he can do when partnering with others.” If you’d like to get it on Amazon, here’s the link.

What are some of your favorite top leadership books? I’d love to hear them — especially if you’re in a season of development.

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